Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Watcher

He is silently looking down upon us, hidden in the night darkened skies.
He is The Watcher.
Chained to his post by bonds of stone.
He hungers.

His eyes do the feasting on all that is visible to his station.
He bears witness to the father mercilessly beats his young daughter.
He enjoys the show.
He looks on with glee as a crooked cop leads a cheap whore into a back alley.
The five dollar bang would be murder soon, the whore's last living experience.

The Watcher knows this and grins in anticipation.
His eyes lash red briefly in the darkness as a scream rents the air.
A siren wails in the distance.
The Watcher keeps his vigil.

To him, the night air reeks of evil, he revels in it.
He is a creature of greed and lust,
Forever keeping watch, nurturing the depravity of the night with his thoughts.
He will always be a prisoner in his cold cast stone body.
With eyes of blood, watching his keep.
He is demon kind, he is always there, always watching...

A.J. Downey

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